
Laser resurfacing is a dermatological procedure that uses lasers to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. The procedure works by removing skin layer by layer with precision. As the treated area heals, the new skin that forms is smoother and firmer.

Laser Resurfacing is non-invasive treatment that applies intense heat to the treated area to vaporize skin cells and stimulate a collagen production response.

How does it work?

Laser Resurfacing stimulates your body’s natural collagen-producing process to plump the skin to minimize the appearance of imperfections such as wrinkles, fine lines, acne scarring, poor skin texture, age spots, sagging skin, and pigmentation irregularities.

During Laser Resurfacing treatment, the top layer of your skin will be treated using pulses of light released in a pre-selected pattern. You will feel a series of quick, hot pinches as the laser pulses tiny holes deep into the skin. This process selectively eliminates columns of damaged tissue, leaving the surrounding skin intact. The tiny holes ensure safe treatment and a shorter healing time. Profound treatment results are evident in a single session.

The treatment stimulates your body’s natural process for creating new collagen, plumping the skin from below to reverse the appearance of skin imperfections.

A topical anesthetic cream may be applied before your treatment to prevent most of the discomfort you may experience. Your skin will immediately form a natural protective dressing to help reduce downtime and boost skin restoration. This dressing will peel off after three to five days, revealing brighter, healthier, and more radiant skin.

What to expect after treatment?

After treatment, your skin will feel raw, reddened, and slightly swollen. As mentioned above, your skin will start peeling off after about three to four days.

You should avoid picking, rubbing, or scrubbing your skin during this time. Allow it to peel off naturally by itself, preventing any irritation while your skin is healing.

What is the average recovery time?

The majority of patients have a recovery time of one to two weeks. However, you can expect skin discoloration for a few weeks.

The results will not be visible immediately after treatment. As your skin rejuvenates and regrows, the results will develop over a few weeks and continue to improve for up to three to six months.

Most patients achieve their desired results with only one treatment.

The good news is that your skin will continue to improve over the next six months after treatment.

Limited sun exposure, sunscreen, and diligent skin care will help speed recovery.

Who is a good candidate?

An ideal candidate for Laser Resurfacing is someone with a light to medium skin tone with imperfections due to deep wrinkles, acne scars, or sun damage.

Laser Resurfacing is not recommended for individuals with dark skin tones as there is a high risk of hypopigmentation.

What areas of the face can be treated?

Laser Resurfacing can treat your entire face. However, it is most effective in the periorbital and perioral areas. These areas around your eyes and mouth often indicate the first signs of aging and can be challenging to treat.

What are the possible side effects?

Some potential side effects of Pearl Fractional Resurfacing include skin damage or burns, scarring, hypopigmentation, and bacterial skin infections.

Final thoughts

Laser Resurfacing provides a great combination of safety, patient experience, and recovery time.

If you are looking for a smoother, brighter, and clearer complexion, then Laser Resurfacing may be your treatment. Contact Rejuvenate Austin today for a consultation to see how we can help you.